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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Know More About The Series

  • Weaves worship, doctrine, moral and liturgy in an integrated pattern, in language suited for children's age and experience - National Catechetical Directory for the Philippines (NCDP)
  • Bridges perceived gap between Christian doctrine as taught and Christian morals as lived by the Filipino Catholic (NCDP)
  • Presents catechesis with Christ as the uniting focus, a pastoral orientation, a Filipino spirit of evangelization and culture - Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP II, Acts and Decrees)
  • Promotes a revitalized and renewed Filipino Christian through Christ, with Christ and in Christ (Decree Convocation, PCP II)
  • Uses true-to-life situations and experiences that are uniquely Filipino as the most effective means for achieving the objectives of catechesis (NCDP)
  • Organizes catechism around the four traditional catechenical pillars of Creed, Sacraments, Commandments, and the Our Father as suggested in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
  • Presents the essentials of the Catholic Faith in an up-to-date , inculturated, organized, systematic and Christ-centered exposition with Bible and Church teaching in an unceasing interplay with Filipino experience and culture, as envisioned in the Catholic Faith Catechism (CFC)


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