Our Daily Bread,Know the Words of God in the Bible
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We listen to the readings from the Bible. the readings remind us of God's saving love and of His promise to send a Messiah. They also remind us of all the good things God has done for us. We respond by singing psalms about God.
The Apostles must have been sad and frightened after the death of Jesus. To forget their sadness and fear, they must have exchanged stories about things Jesus told them in the past. They must have sung psalms, too; to keep their spirits up.
Labels: Symbol
Pope John XXIII wrote a very important encyclical entitled Peace on Earth. In this encyclical, Pope John summarized Jesus' teachings about God's Kingdom to help us know that human beings have rights. When these rights are being violated, the Kingdom of God is failing.
Below are the human rights taught in the encyclical.
These rights are gifts from our loving Father.
These rights belong to all of us. We can start putting them into action in our homes, in our classroom and in our communities. We can begin doing them through the way we treat our family, classmates, neighbors and even people we don't know.
Labels: God's Kingdom
Labels: Information
Labels: Importance About Easter Season
Labels: Birth of Mary
These are the Sundays when nothing else is scheduled. The season consists of two in-between periods. One is a short period between the Christmas season and the beginning of Lent. The other is the long period between the Eastern season and the first Sunday in Advent. The Sundays of the Year. During this season, the Holy Spirit helps us to remember that ordinary days are important, too.
Labels: Color of Advent
Labels: Thanks For God
Labels: Jesus Reveals the Reign of God
Labels: Child's Destiny
Labels: Looking at Man and Nature